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Alexandra Erin was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and grew up in a small town just outside of it. She has been experimenting with writing stories for the internet and publishing them online since the days when people still used the phrase "INFORMATION SUPER-HIGHWAY" without a shred of irony or reflection.


Her ongoing fantasy college series Tales of MU is one of the longest and longest-running pieces of original fiction on the internet, as well as one of the most financially successful pieces of web-based literature (or weblit) on the net. Tales of MU made her one of the first authors to make her living through direct crowdfunding while making the bulk of her work available for free.


In addition to serial fiction, she also writes flash fiction (also called microfiction, or "short-short" fiction), short stories, and poetry. In her spare time, Alexandra plays roleplaying games and experiments with game design.


Though she still does a large portion of her crowdfunding the old fashioned way, using PayPal as her ancient ancestors did, Alexandra joined Patreon in December 2013. Sponsoring her through Patreon is the best way to support her work and to gain access to behind-the-scenes looks at her creative process, including first looks at unpublished work.



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